This webinar is an in depth overview that will thoroughly educate attendees about the essentials of estate and elder law planning.
Presented by Elville and Associates’ Managing Principal and Lead Attorney Stephen R. Elville, in our Estate Planning and Elder Law Essentials webinar Steve will thoroughly educate attendees about estate planning and incapacity planning issues. Some of the topics he will address include:
— understanding the planning process, including the reasons for estate planning
— wills vs. trusts
— probate vs. non-probate and understanding non-probate devices
— the absolute importance of incorporating “flexibility” in your planning
— planning for incapacity
— understanding the importance of financial powers of attorney, advance medical directives and MOLST
— Medicaid — myths versus reality
— estate tax planning
— asset protection and protecting shares for children and grandchildren
— understanding why having outdated documents could provide challenges in the future
— how to achieve perfection for your legacy
Open to clients, financial advisors, and the general public, 1.5 continuing education hours are available for professionals who attend this presentation.
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