The Elville Webinar Series’ Wellness Series — Making the Most Out of Your Medical Appointments

In part 10 of the Elville Webinar Series’ interactive Wellness Series, guest presenters Dr. Michelle Fritsch and Ms. Ellen Platt explore the important topic of how to make the most out of your medical appointments. Most people just show up to medical appointments. In today’s rushed and fragmented health system, you can greatly improve your health and assure no mistakes are made by knowing how to prepare for each visit, what to do during the visit, and what to do after the visit. This is true for doctors, dietitians, therapists, or any other type of healthcare. With their combined 60 years of healthcare experience, Dr. Fritsch and Ms. Platt have seen the problems first hand and developed these strategies that have worked for countless people. Featuring nationally renowned speaker Dr. Michelle Fritsch, a board certified, doctoral trained health professional and founder of Retirement Wellness Strategies and cofounder of Propel Comprehensive Wellness, this presentation is one you will not want to miss!

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